Dyn 5K Challenge: Our Epic DNS & Email Delivery Performance Race

There is an old phrase that goes, “The proof of the pudding is in the eating.

Well put down your pudding cups, ladies and gentlemen, because to prove Dyn has the best Internet Infrastructure, we’re kicking off the Dyn 5K Challenge at next week’s Velocity ’12 in Santa Clara, CA!

Ever wanted to rock those stylish sweat bands and short shorts you bought on discount at BeyondtheRack.com or run your heart out to the powerful, thunderous motivational soundtrack of everyone’s favorite 80s hair band, Europe. Well, this may NOT be the race for you.

But starting next Monday at booth #503 at Velocity, attendees can defy all odds, bring a nation to their feet and heroically challenge us to an epic DNS and/or email delivery performance race. No iPads, no bogus gimmicks and absolutely no chumps: just a good old fashioned Internet footrace with five days of DNS, 5000 emails and only one true champion.

Here’s all the details and how even those that can’t be there can get in the race.

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Email Marketing: Are You Guilty Of List Fatigue?

(Editor’s note: This post originally appeared on Deliverability.com. You can read original monthly posts from this author, and plenty more, on their site.)

It doesn’t matter how much your subscribers love your brand or how much you think they love your brand. There is a time when too much is too much. List fatigue is a common issue that I help customers with, but what is it and how can you prevent it?

The problem

The best thing about list fatigue is that it is easy to understand and simple to fix. My definition: when you send to your list too frequently, wearing them out and causing them to unsubscribe or worse, file a spam complaint.

The problem is there is no cure-all guide on how often you should send within a certain amount of time. If you are stats junkies like our Dyn deliverability team, you can gather this info by either crunching numbers or simply using some common sense. Yet, this simple concept of not sending too much to your customers isn’t grasped by lots of the marketing masses.

An example: if I am signed up to receive a daily deal email, then it’s pretty obvious that I should be expecting and receiving an email each day. But when I signed up to check on a lower rate for my vehicle insurance, I shouldn’t hear from them at that same frequency. Continue reading